Nope, that's not an advertisement for a job position, sorry but I can manage all by myself ;)
I recently got an inbox message to my facebook account asking me to "leave it out with all the advertising", I can't see why someone would be so bothered by it all, specially when you can click the 'x' next to the post just the once and 'hide' either iWeb application or my blogposts.
If anything I got a rise from it, this girl didn't know me (obviously), I don't even know how she came across me but its a big old world and must have spotted me and added me somehow, which added fuel to my fire and (if anything) proved I was doing something right ;)
See, my way of thinking is that if I have people I don't really know or met adding me to facebook thats great, I'm not going to refuse a friendship cos i dont know them, strangers are just people we haven't gotten to know. I've met lots of good friends all over the world, at least 6 of these friends have travelled as far as london, Milton Keynes, stafford and carlisle to visit the shop and got themselves a tattoo to commemorate the occasion.... Don't get it twisted in thinking that's what they come for, I've been doing this thing for too long (if that's possible) to not know what's in someones heart and mind.
I'm no stranger to talking, walking, eating or even living around 'strangers' I've spent the biggest part of my life living around people I don't know and would probably never meet again. I would never befriend someone to abuse or suppress them in any way, if they're feeling down id applaud them for finding humour in the dark days and encourage them to dig deeper, if they're on top of the world I'd want to be stood right beneath them and try to get where they are.
Some people can't adapt as easily and attack people who're on top of things, and put those feeling under the weather down even further.
Personally I wouldn't put myself in either category, I'm doing fine but decided that sitting on facebook was taking too much of my time and decided to learn how to build and host my own websites from home to save a small fortune. Why pay for what I already have???
iWeb has an option to publish my site and sends a link to facebook if i leave it ticked....and why wouldn't I? Its easier for those who dont want to see them or find them offensive(?) to just click on the 'x' to hide iWeb or the post from my blogsites, its an easy enough option, I do it all the time when new Facebook apps are created, i wake up to a screen full of them as a small percentage of facebook users begin to play away, I don't complain to the person they're playing too much, I'll hide the app and it never bothers me again ;)
What do i care if i see my shop name over and over again, I don't pay an agency or advising agency to so what i can do a more personal way too! At least my site have my words and thoughts....not snippets and clipped bits from whatever vie given to a web designer every month or two to update my site with.
I have to admit that i was publishing my site 3 or 4 times a day/night but it only takes once to hide it, I needed to get my site seen and checked over by friends before finishing it off or i wouldn't know if it was working ok. Testing it from my own computer doesn't have the same effect as it runs really smoothly and quickly because the files are right here on my own computer.
What i came 'here' to say was thats exactly what was bugging me about facebook to begin with, people assuming I'm going to listen because I'm in their 'friends' list, I will......and I'll think about what they say the same as I do with everyone, if its not to my liking then I'll disregard what they say, if it has constructive criticism I'll take it even more serious because it means not only is 'my problem' being pointed out to me but its got a solution in there too...people who just criticise with a lack of reasoning usually don't have the solution and are puzzling over small problems themselves, getting at others about their so called hangups are a way of distraction from their own problems.
I take criticism well, i don't like it but listen and act on it, if its tearing me down I'll stand as i am and prove the critic wrong, if its constructive my first thoughts are they're words of experience and I begin to pick the bones from whats in front of me.
As things are I live in a small valley in lancashire with one road in and one road out of the small town I live in, the valley itself has 5 tattoo shops locally....maybes more including the 2 towns which are either end of the valley...(Accrington and Rochdale). Why wouldn't i advertise??
If an advertising agent knew how to answer every question regarding tattooing or how I work id gladly leave it all up to them, as it is they leave so much unspoken and unanswered and the unspoken word can lead to misinterpretations which I can't leave to chance, the unanswered leave people who dont know me personally thinking I'm ignorant, where as the people I deal with every day and my friends who see me at work know just how much time and effort i've put in.
Why wouldn't i take pride in every little aspect of how I build my business/hobby? I know i came with nothing and will probably leave with nothing but if anything I teach my kids not to be defeatist and not to be lazy in getting what they want out of life, how much of an example would i be to listen to someone who doesn't know a thing about me, and then stop what I'm doing because they don't agree with the results (on a screen), I am polite though, i will apologise for not being able to take their advice but it wasn't in my best interests.
I really hope this doesn't em like an aggravating post because I'm just living MY life, I don't expect others to live like me or be like me, were all different and we need to be that way to co-exist.
Hope you all have that bit of individuality, or are at least looking for a way to be individual cos we get one life and one body to live in and to emulate another's is a waste of your own.
So as you can probably guess the post title is all 'bout me, no offence to any other big mouths, or valley dwellers ;) I chose this valley to live in 20 yrs ago, i wasn't born here but liked the company when I landed so chose to hang around. Ive had numerous complaints about my big mouth so being told by a stranger isn't anything new to me.... It just makes me proud that im being heard by all sides, friends and strangers alike...cos thats what advertising is about and its not always appreciated by others ;)
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