Monday, 24 January 2011

Whats with all the bloggin ?

If if i was a twee.....
lol, seriously, if i was a tree id be stuck in my environment and be at the mercy of the owners of the environment to keep conditions as i like them rather than Limit my growth.
Which is what facebook is, its the environment i populate run by 'owners' who want to restrict my actions, this isnt what i signed up for so im now using it permanent link to my other places i roam around in ;)

Last week i made another account in my shop name with a different email address, i used the 'suggest friends' box to suggest 50 of my own friends who i DO know so they could suggest their friends the same, within minutes of adding the suggested friends facebook had given me an 'official warning and restricted me for 4 days from adding any new friend becaus they belieed i was 'spamming' users......with ONE single request, per person? Thats not spam!!!

Other instances in the past have led me to believe they have moderators which have an opinion of their own and freely censor our comments and posts. I have had videos deleted of myself at work which i posted at the request of the customer and put a lot of effort into editing, sadly it had a song in the background and was accused by facebook of Imitating the band so to speak, with a tattoo machine i hardly think so!

I also spent a week with comments being regularly deleted, not only my own but other friends who were commenting on my wall, my photos or my status.....this was after i began to refer to facebook as 'faecesbook', whenever i used the term comments would be played around with, sort of like a warning to behave myself ;D

My main reason of making another account under the shop name was because facebook friends would rather disregard my previous refusals to give quotes online, or take bookings or talk about their tattoo out of shop hours and engage me in conversations at all hours, the internet or telephones are not a good way of translating tattoos......we need to see/show what we have in mind, wae can neer do that over the telephone and internet conversations can be so long winded the time they take sometimes outweigh the price of the tattoo in question.
But how can we say all this day after day with one type of character or another without sounding impolite, stuck up ourslves, uninterested or simply amateurish in the minds of those that dont know what does go into the preparation?

Personally i need the customer in front of me with the time to give me a good description of what, where, size, colour/ or shaded, and a few other details which only apply to one tattoo style or another....none are the same!
If a customer comes in and we both have the time (or a booked consultation is arranged) i can sit with them and sketch an idea out and they can say yayy or nayy and we can start from scratch without too much time wasted. If a customer gives me a description over the phone or internet with a hope to pop in a week later to view it, my idea and theirs maybe totally different and will put them back another week or two while i take it back to the drawing board.....but we would still be no better off unless the customer puts the time in to visit the shop so i can go thru the process and speed things up a little.

Facebook has been undoubtedly great and ive met some great friends but at the moment its taking up way too much of my time, as things were i was in the shop answering queries about tattoos (in paying customers time), when the people in question could have easily popped into the shop to look for themselves....or even take a click on my fabebook albums.
The alternative (in their eyes) was to catch me when i got home, which is time i need to be with my family, where in reality i get back to work designing the upcoming weeks work, or making transfers up from the same designs ive drawn or redrawn in some cases.

All i can say in my defense is i work 6 days a week, one of them being sunday, i have 4 kids and a wife who are here. I cant take time away from hem for a customer who cant 'be here', simply because if you cant get into the shop to plan or own tattoo then you cant have time to GET a tattoo!

i hope this doesnt come across in the wrong way, facebooks had it uses and ive made some great friends (and theyve seen my frustrations) but if im going to get the time i need to push the shop forward this year i need to leave faecesbook alone ;)
Youll see me on there but usually posting a link aposted from another blog, i have them all interlinked so when i post on one you all hear about it :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:The Ink Spot, 20 Deardengate, BB45TQ

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:The ink spot haslingden

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